Today’s your lucky day. Sign up and every month, we’re delivering new printable worksheets, fresh tools, and resources to “grow by.” Plus, get preferred pricing, VIP status, full access to already, done-for-you business printables in the library.
We deliver new work, life, money downloadable forms and worksheets every month as shortcuts to getting things done.
Simply click on the image and download it. Then print it out and evaluate how you and your business are doing today. You can use this as a headstart to crafting your business goals too.
Career professionals. Here’s the Life Snapshot for you.
We have lots in store for you starting with our Vision Boarding parties every January, workshops every month and our signature, Biz+LifeCon events, there’s something for everyone. Our Insider members save hundreds a year by being a member of SecondAct|Women.
When joining our Insiders sisterhood, you’re experiencing small business and life at 40+ events and programs to get inspired and take action. You see, #womendontexpire, and you’ll be connected to others like you who may be experiencing ageism and imposter syndrome, or looking to start up successfully, grow their business, or switch careers entirely.
Either way, we’ve got you covered inside the SecondActWomen community with our expert-led programming by and for women 40 & 50+.